Hennick Bridgepoint Hospital

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Helping your clients help Hennick Bridgepoint

We are happy to work with you to help your clients support Hennick Bridgepoint with donations, bequests, gifts of stock and securities, charitable trusts and other legacy gifts.

Contact Hailey Flom at hailey.flom@sinaihealthfoundation.ca for confidential assistance.

Mailing Address

Charitable gifts supporting Hennick Bridgepoint Hospital should be directed to Hennick Bridgepoint Foundation, at 1001-522 University Avenue, Toronto, ON, M5G 1W7.

Charitable Registration Number

Hennick Bridgepoint Foundation is a registered Canadian charity, number 88923 4399 RR0001.

Legal Name

Bridgepoint Foundation’s legal name is now Hennick Bridgepoint Foundation, having been renamed by special resolution of the annual meeting of members in June 2023.  It was named Bridgepoint Health Foundation until May 2013. Before that, it was the Riverdale Hospital Charitable Foundation. Riverdale Hospital changed its name to Bridgepoint Health in 2001, then to Bridgepoint Active Healthcare in 2013.